
Restaurant & Retail

Restaurant and retail spaces simply cannot be allowed loss of use for either planned or unplanned events. Even one day of closure can be devastating to revenue expectations, putting risk levels beyond tolerable. So having a vendor partner that can help maintain operational continuity is crucial.


It's extremely clear that unplanned events like water damage, fire and smoke damage, mold or trauma scene all have strong potential to close the doors longer than any stakeholder would like. Restaurants and retail both need recovery partnerships that can effectively shorten the duration of the mitigation process to its absolute minimum. ACR does this via the processes and procedures we've developed over more than 30 years that reduce loss of use and operational expense associated with any property damage event.


And public spaces like these commonly repurpose space through capital improvements and remodeling projects. These too can be project-managed in ways that intentionally reduce the job span as well as overall disruption to business continuity.


From the risk management perspective, it comes down to:


• Faster, less expensive recoveries

• Less disruption and operational loss-of-use

• Greatly reduced operational expense

• Increased predictive accuracy through pre-loss planning


If you are responsible for the operations of a restaurant or retail establishment, be sure to ask us about ways to prepare for these disruptive planned and unplanned events.

All content is © 2016, ACR, Inc. and/or affiliated sources. ACR serves the greater Chicago and Milwaukee areas locally, and IL, WI, IN and IO regionally.