
ACR presents "Maintaining Operational Continuity in Healthcare Environments" to Life Services Network Annual Expo


Life Services Network (LSN, and newly renamed "Leading Age Illinois") is the Illinois Affiliate of the Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA). ACR was honored to be invited to present a continuing education seminar at LSN's Annual Expo. Our presentation was accredited by LSN for CE credits in the management/operations category.


As most healthcare and senior housing professionals know, licensing requires that emergency response plans be written and submitted for approval. However, there are few if any that include the "health" of the physical structure in the plan. Resident/patient evacuation and safety are addressed but no definite acknowledgment is given to the fact that any organization's existing buildings are the best place to deliver on the promise of quality care.


This is why ACR is directing serious energy toward calling attention to including mitigation of losses in emergency response plans. Knowing who to call and what will happen during a property damage event could make all the difference in both limiting financial losses and breaks in operational continuity.

Jim O'Callaghan presenting to LSN members about the integration of mitigation into emergency response plans.

ACR's Bob Smolka reveals important details contained in our featured Case Study.

All content is © 2016, ACR, Inc. and/or affiliated sources. ACR serves the greater Chicago and Milwaukee areas locally, and IL, WI, IN and IO regionally.